Local Communities

Smart Government

Responsible Growth

Julie's top priorities are focused on improving the quality of life for our communities. She is committed to fostering a sense of fairness, ensuring fiscal responsibility, and protecting individual freedoms. Together we can build a stronger and brighter future for our district.

Local Communities

Julie prioritizes families, local businesses, and equitable opportunities, while recognizing and addressing unique community needs.

She will focus on their needs and support initiatives that address quality affordable childcare, affordable housing, education, and equality. The prosperity of the community is based on everyone having opportunities to succeed. Julie recognizes that every town, community, and neighborhood is unique, requiring a tailored approach to address community needs.

Smart Government

Julie prioritizes a government that listens to constituents, values transparency and accountability, and is aligned with community needs and values.

Julie believes elected officials should listen to the people they represent, and lawmaker’s efforts should reflect the needs and wants of their constituents. Julie will advocate for more accountability and transparency in the legislature. This promotes efficiency and empowers citizens to stay informed and engaged with government. Together, we can ensure that the legislature represents the people and not personal interests

Responsible Growth

Julie prioritizes balancing progress with preservation through responsible growth, ensuring our community thrives now and in the future.

Utah's significant growth demands balancing development while preserving landscapes, ecosystems, and resources is crucial. Responsible growth ensures economic prosperity, sustainability, and safeguards community identity. Julie prioritizes preserving open spaces, conserving water, protecting the Great Salt Lake, and transitioning to cleaner energy. Together, we can ensure a sustainable future for us and for generations, preserving Utah’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.